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7Ème. World Traditional Archery Festival Corée

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Pour tous les participants

La 7e édition du Festival de World Archery traditionnelle aura lieu le 18 Octobre à 18h30
De l'aéroport d'Incheon, à la salle de l'événement prend près de 3 heures.
S'il vous plaît assurez un billet d'avion de réservation. Si vous êtes difficile de réserver des vols, contacter pour WTAFOC.

Wun Seong Mo, directeur de WTAFOC

P.S. La date limite est le 16 Août. Remplissez le formulaire d'enregistrement.

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L e formulaire d'inscription /

(Korea / Date: October 18th~23th, 2013)

WTAF Registration Form

① Family Name 성(영문)

② Given Name 이름(영문)

③ Country 국가명:

④ Nationality 국적:

Date of Birth / Date Month Year (Gender: Male / Female)

⑤ 생년월일

⑥ Address 주소 :

⑦ Phone전화번호:

⑧ E-MAIL이-메일:

⑨ Occupation 직업:

⑩ Height신장 ( Cm) Blood type혈액형 ( RH ) Weight 몸무게 ( Kg)

⑪ Category of Your Participation 참가 종류 (Please mark at least one kind)

◎ Competitions ( ) ◎ Seminar presentation ( )

활쏘기 대회 세미나 발표

⑫ Staying expenses 참가 비용 관련

Accommodations and meals for WTAF 2011 will be supported by the WTAFOC.

행사기간 동안의 숙박과 식사는 주최측이 모든 참가자께 제공해 드립니다.

⑬ Please return this form through email after completion.

신청서 작성 후 이메일 접수 E-MAIL : gungdoo@naver.com

※ Please attach your photos

A your full-length photograph in shooting motion / one passport photo

사진 첨부: 활 쏘는 모습 전신사진 1매, 여권사진 1매

A pass port photo

World Traditional Archery Festival Organization Committe

L'adresse courriel de l'organisation : gungdoo@naver.com

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